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The Launch of the Secret Society of Human Work Community and Pods

We're super pleased and hopeful to announce the first of two podcasts that launched last week to help us all have better spaces to debate and encourage human work. The first one can be found here and the video and current draft of the manifesto are listed below but this isn’t just another passive chatting channel but a teaming initiative.

That’s why there’s a Trello board (please email us at with an anonymous email of your choice to receive access to edit and modify the board

And the first temporary home for the forum itself is here: although that was for convenience and we are open to moving proceedings to any other place if the team decides so.

Speaking of teams, the 20-30 people I see as absolutely necessary fixtures for this community because I know first-hand how much of themselves they have poured into this topic over the years haven’t yet all signed up and I know why. For the most part, it’s the inflation of initiatives, communities, pods, creators and so on. Everyone is overworked, burned out and spread thin. Ironically, the 6-7 of these people who are heads of People and CHROs today will need even more time to arrive there because they’ll have to first create a fully anonymous email address but the reality is that we need everyone. Even if it will take a while, we need the space to team and all come together around the goal of normalising the Human Work. As it says in the manifesto -

“We are searching for people who agree that:

  • Office and organisational structures of old are no longer fit for purpose;

  • Most organisations have a lot of Human Debt (defined as the equivalent of TechDebt and comprised of a collection of toxicity and ailments that have resulted from years of neglect and of treating people as resources;

  • The HumanWork (any collection of actions performed individually or as a group for the purpose of increasing EQ, 1-on-1s, Psychological Safety and good team dynamics, changing leadership, learning, empowerment, empathy, autonomy, etc) are mandatory to be performed regularly in today’s environment of necessary collaboration”

And I know that each and every one of the names I would like to see lift this up and contribute morsels of their brilliant minds fit the above perfectly but they may be too busy changing the world on their own to notice the imperative to team up. I put it to us we should all go to our calendars right now and get a 30 mins “research & signup to the Secret Society of Human Work” block of time before the week ends and then make a weekly reminder to engage because we need the hive to move these massive tickets.

And if you’re not a podcast person or simply don’t have the 30 minutes, here are some of the highlights

WHY the Secret Society for Human Work?

We witness HR burnout and the effects of dramatic cognitive dissonance to know the importance of the Human Work but be stopped from doing it by the HumanDebt and often leadership that has a trust issue.

How do we lower painful cognitive dissonance for HR? People professionals don’t have the bliss of ignorance, they know what really matters, the deep fundamental principles that do and that would make valuable change but they are forced to agree with deprioritizing the right things every day by executives, process, lack of resources and fear. That is a difficult human place to be at.

How do we help overwhelmed HR professionals so they can in turn lower HumanDebt and bring their enterprise to the modern-day people culture we need to succeed?

So if these topics resonate and you’ve always wanted to do more but never found you had enough support, we think this is the way. We put our minds and hearts together to bridge gaps in knowledge, reignite passion and help teams thrive through the HumanWork.

Subscribe to the pod but more importantly to the forum and let’s bring the Human Work closer to a day-to-day reality. We all need it more than ever!


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Solving your Human Debt™ one step at a time.

Technology, Humans, Ideas and Pods for Human Debt Fighters.

- Create a winning TechLedCulture through Duena Blomstrom 's work on PeopleNOTTech, PeopleBeforeTech and her latest research in Tech-led Culture:

- Unlock the full potential of your people and business through Psychological Safety, EQ, the findings of Google's Aristotle, the principles of fearless, happy, safe, generative learning cultures and any other framework or methodologies proven to lower HumanDebt™

- Find resources for HumanDebt Fighters - Libraries of free tools, advice and commentary from Tech Led Culture's Pods and Ideas and the humans that will make the work of the future happen. 

Come join us in Ideas or Pods to make the world of work Human again

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